Broken Hard Drive

1. Redundancy:Redundancy will allow you to sleep well at night knowing that no matter what happens, your patient information is safe and secure and can be recovered within a day or two and have your practice up and running without issue.

2. Selective Recovery:Having rotating backups allows you to have a backup for every day of the week for as long as a week or more in the past (depending on how you have it configured). This allows for selective recovery if you run into a corrupt file on a certain day than you are not limited to only the previous days back up, you’ll have a full weeks worth of back ups to pick and choose files from if necessary.

3. Production Interruption:You’ll never have to worry about lost data and production interruption. Ie. an office that only does a single back up to a single external hard drive every day could lose that external drive in a fire, to an employee dropping the external drive, etc. The patient information will be forever lost leaving you to only be able to scramble to recover patient information from old emails, Rolodex, paper charts, etc.

4. Power Outages:Power outages can be the worst thing to happen to your computer. Power outages or power surges can cause irreversible damage to your hard drive and the information contained within.

5. Viruses, Spyware, Adware:In an office environment you have a staff of anywhere from 2 people – 20 people, all of which are accessing your computer network via their workstations. Even the best anti virus program cant prevent a user from manually downloading something that they shouldn’t. A lot of times the anti virus program won’t notify you of a problem until it is too late. Having a good back up will allow for a quick recovery of data if a virus takes over your system.

6. Hard Drive Failure:Server hard drive failure. There is always the possibility of your servers hard drive failing. With a good backup you’ll be able to replace a failed hard drive, restore your data to it and be up and running!

7. Save’s You Money On IT Time:Save on future IT time. what happens if you don’t have a good back up? Time to bring your IT company in to try and recover any data that they can. this can be a tedious and most of the time unlikely task. Your IT company will only be able to retrieve so much from your failed hard drive, having a good backup turns mountains into ant hills for your IT company.