(COVID-19): Update For Dental Offices |NEWs| Proper Infection Control- Preparing workplaces for (COVID-19)

Guidance on Proper Infection Control

Regarding (COVID-19) Coronavirus outbreak taking the nation by storm. We wanted to help prepare dentist and dental offices to help tackle any concerns about coronavirus (COVID-19) and how digital technology is the most difficult to sanitize. Above all understnading proper infection control of your dental technology.

Proper infection control dental office

How to prepare your practice for (COVID-19)

As a result of (COVID-19) here at Sodium Dental, we understand the importance of proper infection control and we wanted to share some knowledge with you on this topic. In this case just how important it really is to keep your dental equipment cleaned. Most offices are experts at proper infection control for dental equipment, some may be little fuzzier on how to handle infection control with the technology in their office. Furthermore, we hope this video gives you some better insight on how to keep your equipment safe and clean. 

As an example in this video, Shawn and Alli demonstrate the proper procedures of cleaning your mouse and keyboards. Along with our Aurora digital x-ray sensor. We wanted to show you some great quick tips because keeping your office sanitized is very important.

To Conclude, Infection control is important

In this video, we went over how to properly deal with infection control. We talked about how to clean the most common things found in a digital office. Overall we do recommend to bag the keyboards and mouse individually, these bags are usually very inexpensive and this can be a very simple way to reduce cross-contamination and exposure. Additionally, always wear appropriate PPE, you will put on your gown, new gloves, face mask, and eye protection. So remember the first step is to remove all barriers without contaminating the under surface. To summarize Shawn and Alli explain how the keyboard and mouse should always be the first thing to tackle and take care of in the operatory. In conclusion, we hope this video was helpful on how to properly deal with infection control.

Looking to order some sleeves for your operatory here are Links from net32 Keyboard and Mouse Sleeves. 

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