Hide and Seek pricing

I think we are all pretty comfortable with the ability to go online and research products and their pricing. When we consider looking into a car or a blender, a cat, or basically any product or service. You can usually go online and find user reviews, professional reviews, and scientific comparisons.

So why when purchasing items like digital X-Ray sensors, digital Panos, 3D Cone Beam CT units and other dental technology. You have to read vague brochures that tell you about how comfortable something is, how easy to use and so on. While never giving you the hard-scientific specifications of these devices.

Furthermore, one of the most popular sensors on the market is the Dexis Platinum. Which has now been replaced with the Dexis Titanium. If you go to their website it is incredibly difficult to get the most basic specs you would want out of an imaging sensor. Data such as mega pixels, pixel size, active imaging area and more is not to be found.

Spec Information

One of the most popular sensors on the market is the Dexis Platinum.Which has now been replaced with the Dexis Titanium and if you go to their website it is incredibly difficult to get the most basic specs you would want out of an imaging sensor. Data such as mega pixels, pixel size, active imaging area and more is not to be found.

You get information like line pairs per millimeter but are only provided theoretical data. Why doesn’t the company provide images taken from their sensor on a phantom in a real life scenario?

Where are the review and comparison sites that use independent testing to compare these diagnostic imaging devices that you count on in your practice?

Link to website 

Video On Is Dexis The Best Option OR Is it TIME TO SWITCH?