I just wanted to put some example images out of the MyRay Zen Sensor up.

The Zen sensors have cut corners, a two fold filtering system to give crisp high detailed image boasting 25 lp/mm.

The sensors also have an inexpensive option to extend their 2 year warranty to 5 years for under 900$ a sensor at time of purchase.

The other advantage that has made me very happy with the zen sensor is the ability to purchase a device called an XPOD with it. This device is smaller than an IPAD and contains its own imaging software, with a touch screen and the ability to plug the ZEN sensors directly into it so that you can take your in office sensors anywhere you might want to go and capture X-Rays. This especially helpful if you are a specialist and you travel to multiple offices or if you enjoy traveling to other countries and volunteering your services on mission trips. All in all the MyRay sensor solution is very elegant.