There are several ways to store digital x-ray sensors. To protect and extend the life of your digital x-ray sensor, you must properly store your sensors. Most commonly, many offices make the mistake of hanging their sensors from the sensor head and letting the cord hang down the wall. When storing your dental sensor, you want to make sure that it is not stored with other objects. Also, make sure not to be pulling on the cable. You have to be careful when handling and storing your dental sensors. 

Storage Guide

Proper Storage 

Making sure your dental sensor is properly used and cared for is critical to the life of your sensors. Following these steps will help extend the life of your dental sensors. All dental sensor brands vary on how long they will last. Many brands claim 1-3 years with daily use. Our Aurora sensor will last five years, and our refurbished sensors should last anywhere between 1-2 years. We suggest not using sensor holders that are placed on the wall and have sensor cords dangling. We also do not suggest open angled bins on the wall. These types of holders put the sensor cable at risk, and having the sensor cable exposed is not a good idea. Also, the cable could be coiled or crimped too tightly with these kinds of holders pictured below. 

Cable care 

The cable is usually the first thing to fail on a dental sensor. The best way to avoid this type of damage is proper technique and storage. You want to ensure your patients are not biting hard onto the sensor or sensor cable. Using proper ring and bar-style holders greatly help extend the life of the sensor. Ring and bar-style sensor holders allow for proper placement of the x-ray sensor while the bite block of the sensor holder prevents patients from biting on the sensor cable.  Asking them to close their mouth slowly is very helpful. Saying the word “bite” usually implies your patient will close their mouth with force, which is not good for the sensor cable. As for storing your dental sensor, make sure there are no kinks or bends in the cable. Also, make sure you are not pulling on the cable. This includes unplugging the sensor from the USB hub and removing from the sensor holder/barrier shields. Following these techniques will help extend the cable life of your dental sensor. 


Printable Flyer: Proper Storage of X-ray sensor

Overall, it comes down to giving the proper care to this expensive equipment. Always make sure to store and move your dental x-ray sensors safely. We suggest using a pelican case or clear bin with a lid for proper storage. Implementation of proper sensor storage will extend the shelf life of your dental x-ray sensors.

How To Care For Your Newly Repaired X-ray Sensor

If your practice has any questions about proper sensor storage or care, please give us a call at (800)821-8962F